Early Childhood Education:-

Our Shiv Jyoti Family believes in ….

  • To develop in a child, good physique, adequate muscular coordination and basic motor skills.
  • To develop in a child, good health habits and basic skills necessary for adjustment.

Activity Oriented:-

This approach follows the learning by doing methodology. The key principles of ‘Learning by Doing’ are Involvement, Participation and Contribution which certainly have a longer impact on the child’s brain when it comes to development. Besides encouraging kids to enjoy their learning experience, we create activity-based learning which has many benefits, including: Helping students memorize information, and encourage kids to get physically and mentally involved in the learning process. Activity-based learning helps students to learn and retain information.

Play Way Method:-

The playway method is essentially child-oriented and caters to individual needs, interests and abilities. Play is second nature to a child. It serves as a natural way for them to explore, express and involve with the world around them. Therefore, this approach supports the all-round development of a child. The experiences in this approach also make the child an active participant and not a passive recipient in the learning process. We plan our activities in such a way that they can learn by touching, seeing and hearing things. By play, we encourage them to classify and handle a variety of objects.

Physical and Motor Development:-

• Development of Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills mean developing control over the movements of the large muscles of the body. Working on gross motor skills helps child to gain strength and confidence in his/her body. It also helps them get exercise and physical activity, which is important for a healthy lifestyle. Activities like walking, running, swinging, dancing, etc ensure that the students can get a good control over their body. These skills have an impact on the child’s ability to navigate their environment (e.g. walking around classroom items such as a table and chair or up a sloped playground hill). We organize an annual Sports Day also wherein our budding sportsmen participate in different competitions which include racing, rabbit jump, bear walk, hit the target and so on.

• Development of Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills mean developing control over the movements of finer muscles, particularly finger muscles and hand-eye coordination. Activities like art & craft which include drawing, colouring, pasting as well as Origami, thumb printing, pattern making, clay moulding and beading ensure a control over their fingers and also attain a perfect hand-eye coordination in a fun way.

Language Arts Skills:-

Usually, before kindergarten, most children can use words they’ve learned from conversations with others or by being read to. Throughout the academic year, we focus on your child’s speech to make it more structured and understandable. Believing in LSRW Skill Approach

• Listening-

We develop the habit of Listening Skill of the kids by arranging Circle time, Story Telling ,Orals, rhymes. The circle encourages unity, respect, turn-taking and working together towards a shared vision.It also helps children work on five key skills, without which Circle Time doesn’t work: thinking, listening, looking, speaking and concentrating.


Provide the platform to toddler to express him/her by narrating his/her own story, rhymes and experiences. This skills enables the kids to speak with confidence as they have learnt how to speak by listening their teachers.


Here is when our specially designed curriculum books come into picture. Through the visuals in the books, the children learn to identify objects as well as situations. Special introduction to letters activities are also conducted so that they can gradually identify letters and words mentioned in the book.


Before children write, they need experience in handling crayons and pencils. Thus, initially, they are indulged in drawing and colouring activities wherein they develop the skills of making controlled visual motor movements. Later on, they move on to joining dots, tracing, copying forms and making patterns similar to the letters of the alphabet.

Through daily activities, teachers provide learners with opportunities to develop each skill: students listen (to the teacher use the target language, to a song, to one another in a pair activity), speak(pronunciation practice, greetings, dialogue creation or recitation, songs, substitution drills, oral speed reading, role play), read(instructions, written grammar drills, cards for playing games, flashcards) and write(fill-in-the-blank sheets, sentences that describe a feeling, sight or experience).